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Information on heroin is prevalent these days on the Internet. We feel that it is our responsibility to provide viewers with a complete and accurate overview of heroin. Heroin is an illegal opiate drug. It is highly addictive as users find that they have a need for persistent, repeated use of the drug (known as craving) and that their attempts to stop using the drug lead to significant and painful physical withdrawal symptoms. Use of heroin causes physical and psychological problems such as shallow breathing, nausea, panic, insomnia, and a need for increasingly higher doses of the drug to get the same effect.
Heroin is a white to brown powder or gummy substance derived from the opium poppy, is injected directly into a vein, sniffed, or smoked. Typically, heroin is used every four to six hours in doses of 4 to 8 milligrams each. The intense euphoria of heroin lasts only a few hours.
With regular heroin use, tolerance develops. This means the abuser must use more heroin to achieve the same intensity or effect. As higher doses are used over time, physical dependence and addiction develop. With physical dependence, the body has adapted to the presence of the drug and withdrawal symptoms may occur if use is reduced or stopped.
Heroin can cause feelings of depression, which may last for weeks. Attempts to stop using heroin can fail simply because the withdrawal can be overwhelming, causing the addict to use more heroin in an attempt to overcome these symptoms. This overpowering addiction can cause the the addict to do anything to get heroin.
Heroin, which gained increasing popularity in the 1990's, and is continuing to gain popularity, is a main component in the opiate family and accounted for 39% of drug induced deaths from overdose and 11% of drug abuse-related emergency room episodes in 1992. Heroin use is on the rise across the country. Current estimates suggest that nearly 600,000 people need treatment for heroin addiction. Not only that, but the typical heroin user consumes more of the drug than a typical user did just a decade ago, partly because of the higher purity available today at the street level. Heroin today is five times more pure than it was 10 years ago.
Although purer heroin is becoming more common, most street heroin is "cut" with other drugs or with substances such as sugar, starch, powdered milk, or quinine. Street heroin can also be cut with strychnine or other poisons. Because heroin abusers do not know the actual strength of the drug or its true contents, they are at risk of overdose or death. Heroin also poses special problems because of the transmission of HIV and other diseases that can occur from sharing needles or other injection equipment.
Heroin users today can inject, snort, or smoke the drug. Snorting heroin is increasing in those areas of the country where high purity heroin is available - generally in the northeastern United States. This method of use may be more appealing for two reasons: (1) it eliminates the stigma historically attached to intravenous drug use, and (2) it eliminates the fear of acquiring HIV/AIDS and hepatitis. However, this method is no safer. Between 1988 and 1993, the number of emergency room visits due to snorting or sniffing heroin jumped by 470%.
Heroin is particularly addictive because it enters the brain so rapidly, providing an instant rush. It is a drug which produces profound degrees of tolerance and physical dependence. The body adapts to the presence of the drug, and withdrawal can occur within a few hours after the last time the drug is taken.
What are the warning signs of heroin use?
These symptoms are not, in and of themselves, proof of drug use, since some of the symptoms can be attributable to other causes. However, they are indicators that someone may be using heroin, especially when multiple symptoms arise.
What are the street terms used for heroin?
Street Term |
Definition |
A-bomb | Marijuana cigarette with heroin or opium |
AIP | Heroin from Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan |
Al Capone | Heroin |
Antifreeze | Heroin |
Aries | Heroin |
Atom bomb | Marijuana mixed with heroin |
Aunt Hazel | Heroin |
Back to back | Smoking crack after injecting heroin or heroin used after smoking crack |
Bad bundle | Inferior quality heroin; damaged heroin |
Bad seed | Marijuana; Heroin; peyote |
Bag | Container for drugs; a package of drugs, usually marijuana or heroin; a person's favorite drug |
Ball | Crack cocaine; Mexican Black Tar heroin |
Balloon | Heroin supplier; a penny balloon that contains narcotics |
Ballot | Heroin |
Bart Simpson | Heroin |
Batman | Cocaine; heroin |
Beast | Heroin; LSD |
Belushi | Combination of cocaine and heroin |
Big bag | Heroin |
Big doodig | Heroin |
Big H | Heroin |
Big Harry | Heroin |
Bin laden | Heroin (after September 11) |
Bindle | Small packet of drug powder; heroin |
Bipping | Snorting heroin and cocaine, either separately or together |
Birdie powder | Cocaine; heroin |
Black eagle | Heroin |
Black pearl | Heroin |
Black stuff | Heroin; opium |
Black tar | Heroin |
Blanco (Spanish) | Heroin; cocaine |
Blank | Container of nonnarcotic powder that is sold as heroin |
Blows | Heroin |
Blue bag | Heroin |
Bomb | Crack; heroin; large marijuana cigarette; high potency heroin |
Bombido | Heroin; injectable amphetamine; depressants |
Bombita (Spanish) | Heroin; amphetamine; depressants |
Bombs away | Heroin |
Bone | Marijuana; $50 piece of crack; high purity heroin |
Bonita (Spanish) | Heroin |
Boy | Cocaine; heroin |
Bozo | Heroin |
Brain damage | Heroin |
Brea (Spanish) | Heroin |
Brick gum | Heroin |
Broja | Heroin |
Brown | Marijuana; heroin; methamphetamine |
Brown crystal | Heroin |
Brown rhine | Heroin |
Brown sugar | Heroin |
Brown tape | Heroin |
Bull dog | Heroin |
Bundle | Heroin |
Butu | Heroin |
Caballo (Spanish) | Heroin |
Caca | Heroin |
Calbo (Spanish) | Heroin |
Canade | Heroin/marijuana combination |
Capital H | Heroin |
Caps | Heroin; psilocybin/psilocin; crack; Gamma Hydroxybutyrate (GHB) |
Carga (Spanish) | Heroin |
Carne (Spanish) | Heroin |
Channel swimmer | One who injects heroin |
Chapopote (Spanish) | Heroin |
Charley | Heroin |
Chasing the dragon | Crack mixed with heroin |
Chasing the tiger | To smoke heroin |
Chatarra (Spanish) | Heroin |
Cheese | Heroin |
Chiba | Heroin |
Chicle (Spanish) | Heroin |
Chieva | Heroin |
China cat | High potency heroin |
China White | Heroin; fentanyl; synthetic heroin |
Chinese red | Heroin |
Chip | Heroin |
Chipper | Occasional user; occasional heroin user; occasional Hispanic user |
Chiva/chieva (Spanish) | Heroin |
Choco-fan | Heroin |
Chocolate Chip Cookies | MDMA combined with heroin or methadone |
Chocolate rock | Crack smoked together with heroin |
Chucks | Hunger following withdrawal from heroin |
Cigarette paper | Packet of heroin |
Climax | Crack; heroin; isobutyl nitrite; inhalants |
Cocofan (Spanish) | Brown Tar Heroin |
Cook | Mix heroin with water; heating heroin to prepare it for injection |
Cook down | Process in which users liquify heroin in order to inhale it |
Cotics | Heroin |
Cotton brothers | Cocaine, heroin and morphine |
Courage pills | Heroin; depressants |
Crank | Crack Cocaine; heroin; amphetamine; methamphetamine; methcathinone |
Crap | Low quality heroin |
Crisscrossing | The practice of setting up a line of cocaine next to a line of heroin. The user places a straw in each nostril and snorts about half of each line. Then the straws are crossed and the remaining lines are snorted |
Crop | Low quality heroin |
Crown crap | Heroin |
Cura (Spanish) | Heroin |
Cut-deck | Heroin mixed with powdered milk |
Dead on arrival | Heroin |
Dead president | Heroin |
Deck | 1 to 15 grams of heroin, also known as a bag; packet of drugs |
Deuce | Heroin; $2 worth of drugs |
Diesel | Heroin |
Dime's worth | Amount of heroin to cause death |
Dinosaurs | Populations of heroin users in their forties and fifties |
Dirt | Heroin |
DOA | Crack; heroin; PCP |
Dog food | Heroin |
Dogie | Heroin |
Doogie/doojee/dugie | Heroin |
Dooley | Heroin |
Doosey | Heroin |
Dope | Marijuana; heroin; any other drug |
Double breasted dealing | Dealing cocaine and heroin together |
Dr. Feelgood | Heroin |
Dragon rock | Mixture of heroin and crack |
Dreck | Heroin |
Duji | Heroin |
Dujra | Heroin |
Dujre | Heroin |
Dust | Marijuana mixed with various chemicals; cocaine; heroin; PCP |
Dusting | Adding PCP, heroin, or another drug to marijuana |
Dynamite | Cocaine mixed with heroin |
Dyno | Heroin |
Dyno-pure | Heroin |
Eightball | Crack mixed with heroin |
Eighth | Heroin |
El diablito (Spanish) | Cocaine, marijuana, heroin and PCP |
El diablo (Spanish) | Cocaine, marijuana and heroin |
Estuffa | Heroin |
Ferry dust | Heroin |
Five-way | Combines snorting of heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, ground up flunitrazepam pills, and drinking alcohol |
Flamethrowers | Cigarette laced with cocaine and heroin; heroin, cocaine and tobacco |
Flea powder | Low purity heroin |
Foil | Heroin |
Foo foo stuff | Heroin; cocaine |
Foolish powder | Cocaine; heroin |
Frisco special | Cocaine, heroin, and LSD |
Frisco speedball | Cocaine, heroin, and a dash of LSD |
Frontloading | The process of tranferring a drug solution from one syringe to another |
Furra | Heroin |
Galloping horse | Heroin |
Gallup | Heroin |
Gamot | Heroin |
Garbage | Inferior quality marijuana; low quality heroin |
Gato (Spanish) | Heroin |
George | Heroin |
George smack | Heroin |
Get off houses | Private places heroin users can purchase & use heroin for a fee |
Getting snotty | Using heroin |
Girl | Cocaine; Crack Cocaine; heroin |
Give wings | Inject someone or teach someone to inject heroin |
Glacines | Heroin |
Glass | Heroin; amphetamine; hypodermic needle; methamphetamine |
Goat | Heroin |
Gold | Marijuana; Crack Cocaine; heroin |
Golden girl | Heroin |
Golpe | Heroin |
Goma (Spanish) | Black tar heroin; opium |
Good | PCP; heroin |
Good and plenty | Heroin |
Good H | Heroin |
Good Horse | Heroin |
Goofball | Cocaine mixed with heroin; depressants |
Gravy | Heroin; to inject a drug |
H | Heroin |
H & C | Heroin and cocaine |
H - bomb | Ecstasy (MDMA) mixed with heroin |
H Caps | Heroin |
Hache | Heroin |
Hairy | Heroin |
Half load | 15 bags (decks) of heroin |
Half piece | 1/2 ounce of heroin or cocaine |
Hard candy | Heroin |
Hard stuff | Heroin; opium |
Harry | Heroin |
Hayron | Heroin |
Hazel | Heroin |
Heaven | Cocaine; heroin |
Heaven dust | Cocaine; heroin |
Helen | Heroin |
Hell dust | Heroin |
Henry | Heroin |
Hera | Heroin |
Hero | Heroin |
Hero of the underworld | Heroin |
Heroina (Spanish) | Heroin |
Herone | Heroin |
Hessle | Heroin |
Him | Heroin |
Hitters | People who inject others who have hard to find veins in exchange for drugs |
Holy terror | Heroin |
Hombre (Spanish) | Heroin |
Homicide | Heroin cut with scopolamine or strychnine |
Hong-yen | Heroin in pill form |
Horning | To inhale cocaine; heroin |
Horse | Heroin |
Horsebite | Heroin |
Hospital heroin | Diluadid |
Hot dope | Heroin |
Hot heroin | Heroin poisoned to give to a police informant |
HRN | Heroin |
Hype | Heroin addict; an addict; methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) |
Isda | Heroin |
Jee gee | Heroin |
Jerry Springer | Heroin |
Jive | Marijuana; heroin; drugs |
Jive doo jee | Heroin |
Joharito | Heroin |
Jojee | Heroin |
Jolly pop | Casual user of heroin |
Jones | Heroin |
Joy | Heroin |
Joy flakes | Heroin |
Joy powder | Cocaine; heroin |
Junco | Heroin |
Junk | Cocaine; heroin |
Kabayo | Heroin |
Karachi | Heroin, phenobarbital, and methaqualone |
La Buena (Spanish) | Heroin |
LBJ | Heroin; LSD; PCP |
Lemonade | Heroin; poor quality drugs |
Little bomb | Heroin; amphetamine; depressants |
Load | 25 bags of heroin |
Love boat | Marijuana dipped in formaldehyde; PCP; blunts mixed with marijuana and heroin; blunts mixed with marijuana and PCP |
Manteca (Spanish) | Heroin |
Matsakow | Heroin |
Mayo | Cocaine; heroin |
Meth speed ball | Methamphetamine combined with heroin |
Mexican brown | Marijuana; heroin |
Mexican horse | Heroin |
Mexican mud | Heroin |
Mojo | Cocaine; heroin |
Monkey | Cigarette made from cocaine paste and tobacco; drug dependency; heroin |
Moonrock | Crack mixed with heroin |
Moonstone | When a dealer shaves a slice of methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) into a bag of heroin |
Morotgara | Heroin |
Mortal combat | High potency heroin |
Mud | Heroin; opium |
Murder One | Heroin and cocaine |
Murotugora | Heroin |
Muzzle | Heroin |
Nanoo | Heroin |
New Jack Swing | Heroin and morphine |
Nice and easy | Heroin |
Nickel bag | $5 worth of drugs; heroin |
Nickel deck | Heroin |
Nod | Effects of heroin |
Noise | Heroin |
Nose | Cocaine; heroin |
Nose drops | Liquified heroin |
Number 3 | Cocaine; heroin |
Number 4 | Heroin |
Number 8 | Heroin |
Nurse | Heroin |
Ogoy | Heroin |
Oil | Heroin; PCP |
Old garbage | Heroin |
Old navy | Heroin |
Old Steve | Heroin |
On the ball | When a dealer shaves a slice of methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) into a bag of heroin |
One on one house | Where cocaine and heroin can be purchased |
One plus one sales | Selling cocaine and heroin together |
One way | LSD; heroin |
Orange line | Heroin |
P-dope | 20-30% pure heroin |
P-funk | Crack mixed with PCP; heroin |
Pack | Marijuana; heroin |
Pangonadalot | Heroin |
Paper | A dosage unit of heroin; one-tenth of a gram or less of the drug ice or methamphetamine |
Paper boy | Heroin peddler |
Parachute | Crack and PCP smoked; heroin; smokable crack and heroin mixture |
Parachute down | Use of MDMA after heroin |
Peg | Heroin |
Perfect High | Heroin |
Perlas (Spanish) | Street dealer (heroin) |
Pluto | Heroin |
Poison | Heroin; fentanyl |
Polo | Mixture of heroin and motion sickness drug |
Polvo (Spanish) | Heroin; PCP |
Poppy | Heroin |
Powder | Cocaine HCL; heroin; amphetamine |
Predator | Heroin |
Primo | Crack; marijuana mixed with cocaine; crack and heroin; heroin, cocaine and tobacco |
Primos | Cigarette laced with cocaine and heroin |
Pulborn | Heroin |
Pure | Heroin |
Quill | Cocaine; heroin; methamphetamine |
Racehorse charlie | Cocaine; heroin |
Ragweed | Inferior quality marijuana; heroin |
Rambo | Heroin |
Rane | Cocaine; heroin |
Raw fusion | Heroin |
Raw hide | Heroin |
Ready rock | Cocaine; crack cocaine; heroin |
Red chicken | Heroin |
Red devil | Depressants; PCP; heroin |
Red eagle | Heroin |
Red rock | Heroin |
Red rock opium | Heroin, barbital, strychnine, and caffeine |
Red rum | Heroin, barbital, strychnine, and caffeine |
Red stuff | Heroin, barbital, strychnine, and caffeine |
Reindeer dust | Herion |
Rhine | Heroin |
Rider | 5 kilograms of heroin sometimes provided at no cost per 100 kilograms of cocaine imported from Colombia |
Sack | Heroin |
Salt | Heroin |
Sandwich | Two layers of cocaine with a layer of heroin in the middle |
Scag | Heroin |
Scat | Heroin |
Scate | Heroin |
Scott | Heroin |
Scramble | Crack cocaine; low purity, adulterated heroin |
Second to none | Heroin |
Serial speedballing | Sequencing cocaine, cough syrup, and heroin over a 1-2 day period |
Sh*t | Heroin |
Shmeck/schmeek | Heroin |
Shoot | Heroin |
Silk | Heroin |
Skag | Heroin |
Skid | Heroin |
Skunk | Marijuana; heroin |
Sleeper | Heroin; depressants |
Slime | Heroin |
Smack | Heroin |
Smoke | Marijuana; Crack Cocaine; heroin and crack |
Smoking gun | Heroin and cocaine |
Sniffer bag | $5 bag of heroin intended for inhalation |
Snotty | Heroin |
Snow | Cocaine; heroin; amphetamine |
Snowball | Cocaine and heroin |
Speedball | Cocaine mixed with heroin; crack and heroin smoked together; methylphenidate (ritalin) mixed with heroin; amphetamine |
Speedballing | To shoot up or smoke a mixture of cocaine and heroin; ecstasy mixed with ketamine; the simultaneous use of a stimulant with a depressant |
Spider | Heroin |
Spider blue | Heroin |
Spike | Heroin cut with scopolamine or strychnine; to inject a drug; needle; hypodermic needle |
Spoon | 1/16 ounce of heroin; paraphernalia used to prepare heroin for injection |
Stacks | Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) adulterated with heroin or crack |
Stuff | Heroin |
Sugar | Cocaine; Crack cocaine; heroin; LSD |
Sweet dreams | Heroin |
Sweet Jesus | Heroin |
Sweet stuff | Cocaine; heroin |
T.N.T. | Heroin; fentanyl |
Tar | Crack and heroin smoked together; heroin; opium |